Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Critcal Perspective section 1 (a) synoptic exam question. Please complete for 24.2.12

Please answer question 1 (a) only.

You need to focus on the following:
  • Explain what your products were in AS and A2. 
  • Describe the research you completed in As and how this is different to A2.
  • Explain how your researching skills improved during the year. (give examples)
  • Give evidence to show how your research helped to make your final decisions. (images, colour, location, celebrity endorsements)
  • How realistic was your production to the real media?
  • Conclusion explaining what you thought worked well and what you need to do to improve. (focus on your researching skills)
Please remember to use evidence and explain how your research helped you complete your production.