Planning your storyboard for your film trailer.
Research and Planning. Completed by Wednesday 30th November 2011.
What inspired you to make your trailer in the location that you chose?
How did watching the trailers for ‘Wrong Turn’ 'The Wilderness' and ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ inspire your production?
How can you apply some of the trailer conventions to your trailer?
Who were the institutions for ‘Wrong Turn’ 'The Wilderness' and ‘The Hills Have Eyes?’
How did they use the following codes and conventions in their trailer to appeal to the targeted audience?
o Size / length of product
o Use of camera, shot types, framing and movement – where applicable
o Edits – style, transitions, pace
o Mise en scene: setting, lighting, costume, props, characters, colour
o Genre / Narrative suggested
o Sound
o Text
What representations have they shown in the trailer and how will you use representations in your trailer?
Please find below the links to the videos. (Wrong Turn) (The Wilderness) (The Hills Have Eyes)
Film Trailer Planning list.
1. What is the plot of your trailer? (Beginning, Middle, End) Linked to Tzvetan Todorov
2. What aspects of the story board are you contributing to? (Sketches, Camera Angles, Script, Sound effects, Mis-en-scene)
Once your storyboard is complete, please submit for scanning.